With education out of poverty
Education is one of the major building blocks of development for both individuals and society. The ratio of university enrolment in Cambodia is, compared to other Southeast Asian countries, very low (male circa 15%, female circa 11%). Cost of tuition vs. household income of under-privileged families are very high, preventing qualified teenagers from studying.
The support
We accompany and support students in their development, who have limited financial resources to cover their higher education and are at the same time working for a living. The program provides a maximum of 20 concurrently running sponsorship placements. Any vacant places will be further filled. Thus, the target is to support about 40-50 students over 10 years.
Sponsorship and mentoring
STUDAID wants more than just monetary donations. Through your work as a sponsor and mentor, you will support a student directly - from person to person. In addition, you enable "your" student to participate in STUDAID's own seminars, which are oriented to prepare students for their future professional life and will have a long-lasting effect.