Out of poverty with education

Education is one of the major building blocks of development for both individuals and society. The ratio of university enrolment in Cambodia is, compared to other Southeast Asian countries, very low (male circa 15%, female circa 11% ). Cost of tuition vs. household income of under-privileged families are very high, preventing qualified teenagers from studying.

NGOs working in Cambodia mainly support primary education and low level vocational training. Students who want to go to university after graduating high school are hardly ever covered by NGOs, even though they hold the future of the country in their hands. In a developing country, it is of major importance to train responsible individuals, experts and entrepreneurs in addition to the craft trades, who behave responsibly towards people and natural resources. In addition, junior executives from their own country reduce dependence on foreign executives and experts.

With the STUDAID program we want to provide a framework for young talents to be able to achieve their study objectives in a concentrated and safe way. Anyone who is able to grow out of poverty as a student largely on their own, but with little support, can become a role model for others who are also fighting their way up.