Sponsorship and Mentoring

In the role of the sponsor, you donate money. You select a student from a pre-selected pool, whom you would like to support in achieving their study goals. The majority of STUDAID students are aiming for a bachelor's degree. We are happy to assist you with the selection process. The support usually lasts between 2-4 years. The annual sponsoring amount varies according to the academic year and English level. In general, support contributions in the range of USD 1,400 to USD 1,900 are expected per year. The specific budget per student is created annually by the STUDAID program manager on site, taking into account the needs of the student. At the end of the year, you will receive a transparent and detailed sponsor's statement.
The students can also be supported with partial amounts, so that we can finance the studies of one student with several donations/sponsors.

In the role of the mentor, you are in regular contact with your selected student, whether in writing or via video call. Every appreciation and moral support is of the utmost benefit. The exchange will give you even more insight into the direct effectiveness of your support. You will experience gratitude and appreciation and in this sense get back a lot of positive things for your commitment. STUDAID will accompany you in the first personal interaction (video call) with the students. Later, you can decide the frequency of the contact yourself, ideally once or twice a month. A personal visit to your student in Cambodia is possible. The STUDAID program manager on site can assist you with travel organisation.

Ideally, the role of sponsor and mentor is assumed by the same person, so that comprehensive support can take place. If you don't want to or can't fill the role of mentor, e.g. because you don't speak English, we'll find another good solution. We will discuss this with you on a case-by-case basis.